Piranha Club
To get in here is the main purpose of your stay in Bayonne. The famous
Piranha Club consists of Bayonne`s most cunning con-artists , with Sid as
a perennial treasurer and the piranha Earl as mascot. Every year they hand
out the "Piranha of the year" award. It`s usually won by Sid,
but in strong competition with the notorious unscrupulous used cars
salesman, Elvis Zimmermann.
They don`t let just anybody in, something you`ll discover after trying the
doorbell. If yoy want to get inside the club, you have to complete the
tasks that Sid gives you, and you have to go and get the things he asks
for. Preferably you are to carry out the missions in the true spirit of
the Piranha Club
(wich of course means cheating and foul play).
When you're finally let in to the hall, there's still the innitiation test
to go through. Good luck! You'll need it.