Welcome to these pages, where the proud owners of the CD-ROM "ERNIE - Broke
in Bayonne" can find clues and hints on how they'll get the most out of their
investment. If you've been scratching your head for hours because you're stuck
and can't figure out how to get through one or more of the games, this is the
right place to turn to. Here you'll find a good description of the content of
your CD-ROM, and a guide on how to handle the different challenges you will
face in the different games.
If you've stumbled upon these pages without having the CD-ROM in your
possession, we strongly recommend that you acquire this masterpiece, filled to
the rim with games, game-parodies and gags, and with all your favorite
characters in Bayonne. All put together with skilfull guiding from the master
himself; Bud Grace. Not to be missed.
You can order the CD from: Norsk Strek AS.
We also recommend that you take a peek at
Ernie's Official website.